Message boards : BOINC client

Message boards : BOINC client

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ThreadsPostsAuthorViewsLast post
stickyBOINC 7.24 Change Log
4 ProfileJord 1555 11 Jun 2024
stickyBOINC 8.0.0 Change Log
1 ProfileJord 512 6 May 2024
stickyBOINC 7.22 Change Log
15 Richard Haselgrove 8553 23 May 2023
stickyBOINC 7.20 Change Log
28 ProfileJord 18608 13 Nov 2022
sticky/lockedBOINC 7.16 Change Log
21 ProfileJord 31970 26 Dec 2020
sticky/lockedBOINC 7.14 Change Log
2 ProfileJord 10363 3 Mar 2020
sticky/lockedBOINC 7.12 Change Log
2 ProfileJord 8941 13 Jul 2018
sticky/lockedBOINC 7.9/7.10 Change Log
4 ProfileJord 18583 9 Jun 2018
sticky/lockedBOINC 7.7/7.8 Change Log
8 ProfileJord 28264 12 Jan 2018
sticky/lockedLooking for BOINC Alpha Testers
1 ProfileJord 5545 12 Sep 2017
sticky/lockedBOINC 7.5/7.6 Change Log.
30 ProfileJord 109030 6 Jun 2016
sticky/lockedBOINC 7.2/7.3/7.4 Change Log and News
76 ProfileJord 261085 10 Mar 2015
sticky/lockedBOINC 7.0 Change Log and news
80 ProfileJord 464407 20 Jun 2013
sticky/lockedBOINC 6.11/6.12, change log and news.
54 ProfileJord 169941 7 Nov 2011
sticky/lockedBOINC 6.1 to 6.10 Versions Change Log
212 ProfileJord 481693 28 Mar 2011
sticky/lockedBOINC 5 versions Change Log
91 ProfileKSMarksPsych 225673 11 Mar 2008
readSustainable BOINC? Suggestions for a cheaper and more climate-friendly computing
3 sustainable butterfly 283 22 Jun 2024
readSuggestion: Add "restart task"
1 Marathon 229 6 Jun 2024
readlimit upload/download speed to xKB/s
1 ProfileDave 322 7 May 2024
locked/var/lib/boinc-client not created with noble
2 ProfileDave 631 27 Apr 2024
locked8.1.0 Not able to start a client.
6 ProfileDave 1059 21 Apr 2024
lockedNo suitable wxWidgets library found.
7 fckwan 1487 27 Jan 2024
lockedDownloading Extra Work
2 l008com 692 23 Jan 2024
lockedCan I get a newer version of BOINC (> 7.20.5) on Ubuntu
2 fckwan 1071 5 Nov 2023
locked"Suspend GPU computing when computer is in use" ignored
3 vossron 1268 14 Oct 2023
lockedReconsidering the display of percent values in task summaries
6 Markus Elfring 2039 7 Oct 2023
lockedAdjustments for table data presentation
1 Markus Elfring 867 7 Oct 2023
lockedSupport more powerful RPC protocol variant
1 Markus Elfring 853 6 Oct 2023
1 bearnol 898 8 Sep 2023
lockedControlling Boinc-Client via MQTT ?
1 Atratus 896 16 Aug 2023
lockedAdd Max concurent downloads and uploads setting under Computing Prefs -> network
4 Profiledanwat1234 1813 5 Aug 2023
lockedMulti core tasks alongside single core tasks.
82 ProfileDave 20866 5 Jun 2023
lockedIssue with slow-down
2 ProfileNightshifter 1435 3 Jun 2023
lockedScheduling with multi-core tasks.
1 ProfileDave 1161 15 May 2023
locked"SSL Connect Error" BOINC 7.20.2 for Windows 10 22H2
25 SoCrunchy 11936 15 Apr 2023
lockedAuthorization required, but no authorization protocol specified
6 endolith 4798 14 Mar 2023
lockedMinimize to menu bar MacOS
2 cazzzac 1875 22 Feb 2023
lockedMacOS permissions problem?
1 tcoradeschi 1498 7 Jan 2023
lockedBOINC Docker ARM64v8 is out of date?
2 GuiltyDoggy 2274 12 Nov 2022
lockedDelay when changing internet connection.
7 ProfileDave 4891 8 Oct 2022
lockedWe are completely uploaded and fine
1 ProfileDave 2250 16 Aug 2022
lockedSoftware update.
7 Profileadrianxw 4673 15 Aug 2022
lockedRelease Notes with out a Program
3 ProfileBill Freauff 3487 4 Jun 2022
lockedApple Monterey v12.2 Intel Chip and BOINC 7.6.19
3 OldPug 3880 8 Feb 2022
lockedWhere do we post release notes these days?
9 wujj123456 8217 1 Feb 2022
lockedClient Scheduler question
2 ProfileBill Freauff 3122 15 Nov 2021
1 ProfileDave 2592 29 Oct 2021
lockedConstant spamming "No protocol specified" in journalctl logs
2 mystiquewolf 3978 8 Oct 2021
lockedPlease test Macintosh BOINC version 7.16.18
6 ProfileJord 6560 18 Sep 2021
lockedI've broken my setup
8 Jave Ivanovski 7608 15 Jul 2021

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