Thread 'BOINC interferes with other apps.'

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Message 4368 - Posted: 17 May 2006, 19:18:55 UTC

If this problem has been discussed, I appologize.

My BOINC client seems to interfere with other applications. It seems like it's the interaction of one app with another. When one app calls a function to another app. When I click on a link in, say, an email. it won't run until I snooze the BOINC client. Or when my email virus scanner is running. It runs a lot faster when I snooze BOINC. These are the only examples that I can think of now.
Any ideas, anyone?
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Message 4370 - Posted: 17 May 2006, 20:02:48 UTC - in response to Message 4368.  

I guess one cannot edit their posts.

I just discovered that it also is interfering with network LAN connections
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Message 4373 - Posted: 17 May 2006, 22:45:06 UTC - in response to Message 4370.  
Last modified: 17 May 2006, 22:50:48 UTC

I guess one cannot edit their posts.

There is approx. 30 minutes (or 60? - project dependent probably) time frame to edit the posts. I think the [Edit this post] link should have contained some text like "[Edit this post (until 17 May 2006 23:15:06 UTC)]" and disappear afterwards.


Sorry, no idea about the interferences.
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Message 4386 - Posted: 18 May 2006, 18:56:06 UTC

Speaking as someone who helps out on the CPDN boards, we have had a few complaints of interference with network connections, but have never got to the bottom of any of these.
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Message 4391 - Posted: 19 May 2006, 7:50:43 UTC
Last modified: 19 May 2006, 8:07:36 UTC

What version of BOINC are you using?

Older versions use port 1043 for communication between BOINC manager and BOINC.exe, it has been found in the past that this port was hi-jacked by MS Outlook and Outlook Express. Port 1043 is the port allocated to BOINC by the relevant authorities. There is also a suspision that the ATI graphics control centre also used this port.

But rather than wait or fight these commercial enterprises, the later versions now use port 31416. This as far as I know has cured most of the problems.

You need to do some investigation into which programs are using which ports, for any further investigation to take place.


edit/ to check wwhat is using ports in WinXP run cmd then in that window;
you might want to make sure that nothing else is using port 1043 on the affected hosts, you can do this by running

netstat -a -o

from a command prompt, this will show you the process ID (PID) of the app which is using each port, look for port 1043 (the usualy notation is either an IP address followed by the port, seperated by a colon ( or a dns name in place of the IP address (localhost:1043))
use the "processes" tab in the windows task manager (you'll need to change the options to display the PID column) to see which process has port 1043, it should be boinc.exe, if not, find out which app is using the port (it shouldn't be, becuase port 1043 is allocated to boinc)
if it's a file name you don't regognise, enter the filename into your favourite search engine and it should return some results describing what the process does, and what app/suite it's part of

This was taken from a post on the Seti Question and Problems board.

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Message 4392 - Posted: 19 May 2006, 8:00:39 UTC
Last modified: 19 May 2006, 8:03:03 UTC

The ones reported on the CPDN boards were mostly 5.3.9 and 5.2.13. At first it looked like localhost traffic was being routed outside the box for some reason, but tracert confirmed that localhost was being routed normally. The original posters were either not IT literate or didn't follow up, so we left it there (very rare complaint). They had a variety of setups (one with a router, one with a single box and AOL).

I'll follow Douglas's progress with interest since it would be useful to know what the problem was.
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Message 4443 - Posted: 23 May 2006, 12:12:34 UTC

it seems that I have the same problem on my WinXP professional. When I start BOINC I get Problems with my NFS connections. The explorer responses very very slow until I umount the NFS network drive or close the BOINC manager. My NFS drive is established with Hummingbird V7.0 NFS Maestro Client.

The problem also happens if BOINC is running, but crunching is stopped. Only cloasing BOINC manager solves it.

Port 1043 as mentioned in this thread is not used (not displayed in netstat -a).

Can somebody post the link to the CPDN thread where this is also discussed?

Is there a way to get closer to the problem?

Is it possible to run a projekt without the BOINC manager?

Kind regards,
Germany biggest distributed computing community
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Message 4445 - Posted: 23 May 2006, 12:34:37 UTC - in response to Message 4443.  
Last modified: 23 May 2006, 16:27:27 UTC

Is it possible to run a projekt without the BOINC manager?


Uninstall BOINC and reinstall it as a service. The service install needs an administrator account with password. And when installed, by default it doesn't do graphics (not sure about the screensaver). Yet there is a work around in the Wiki for that.

BOINC 5.4.9 doesn't use port 1043 anymore. It uses port 31416 to communicate between Boinc.exe, Boincmgr.exe and Boinc.scr
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Message 4446 - Posted: 23 May 2006, 12:34:58 UTC

I'm seeing exactly the behavior reported at the start of this thread.

Some details:
IBM T60 (dual core CPU), Windows XP Pro (SP2), Boinc Manager and client version 5.4.9, installed on Monday 5/22, SETI@home client version 515.

BOINC preferences on processor use:
Do work while computer is running on batteries?
(matters only for portable computers) no
Do work while computer is in use? no
Do work only after computer is idle for 3 minutes
Do work only between the hours of (no restriction)
Leave applications in memory while preempted?
(suspended applications will consume swap space if 'yes') no
Switch between applications every
(recommended: 60 minutes) 60 minutes
On multiprocessors, use at most 2 processors

Unless I suspend BOINC, I always see 100% CPU utilization, and clicking on links in Thunderbird to open in Firefox takes a "long" time (30 seconds or longer). When I suspend BOINC, the Tbird->Firefox link is "instant".

I haven't seen interference with network connections, but I don't use NFS.

Perhaps related: last night I tried to put my computer on standby, and until I suspended BOINC, it would not go into standby. As soon as I suspended BOINC, it immediately went to sleep.

=Spencer in Ann Arbor
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Message 4448 - Posted: 23 May 2006, 13:50:11 UTC

Following up. I modified my preferences to reduce the number of processors to 1, hit Update in the BOINC manager, and the application started "behaving" -- that is, it no longer runs while I'm using the computer actively. I then changed the number of processors back to 2, and it's still behaving.

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Message 4512 - Posted: 26 May 2006, 20:06:09 UTC - in response to Message 4391.  

What version of BOINC are you using?

Older versions use port 1043 for communication between BOINC manager and BOINC.exe, it has been found in the past that this port was hi-jacked by MS Outlook and Outlook Express. Port 1043 is the port allocated to BOINC by the relevant authorities. There is also a suspision that the ATI graphics control centre also used this port.

But rather than wait or fight these commercial enterprises, the later versions now use port 31416. This as far as I know has cured most of the problems.

You need to do some investigation into which programs are using which ports, for any further investigation to take place.


edit/ to check wwhat is using ports in WinXP run cmd then in that window;
you might want to make sure that nothing else is using port 1043 on the affected hosts, you can do this by running

netstat -a -o

from a command prompt, this will show you the process ID (PID) of the app which is using each port, look for port 1043 (the usualy notation is either an IP address followed by the port, seperated by a colon ( or a dns name in place of the IP address (localhost:1043))
use the "processes" tab in the windows task manager (you'll need to change the options to display the PID column) to see which process has port 1043, it should be boinc.exe, if not, find out which app is using the port (it shouldn't be, becuase port 1043 is allocated to boinc)
if it's a file name you don't regognise, enter the filename into your favourite search engine and it should return some results describing what the process does, and what app/suite it's part of

This was taken from a post on the Seti Question and Problems board.

Ok, after doing this, I find that "alg.exe" is using port 1043. I'm using BOINC version 5.4.9
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Message 4513 - Posted: 26 May 2006, 20:38:04 UTC - in response to Message 4512.  

Ok, after doing this, I find that "alg.exe" is using port 1043. I'm using BOINC version 5.4.9

BOINC 5.4.9 uses only port 31416 as I said in my other post.

What kind of computer do you have? CPU, RAM amount, Operating System? How much is running in the background on startup?

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Message 4549 - Posted: 29 May 2006, 20:09:03 UTC

as described below in this thread I have also a problem with BOINC and my NFS connections on my windows XP professional. BOINC and my PC runs well, if I have not connected any NFS drive. If I mount a drive via NFS, the NFS connection is very slow. If I close BOINC the NFS mount is very fast.

Any suggestions to get closer to this problem?

Is there a way to run BOINC without the boinc manager (But I have not the rights to install BOINC as service)? May be it is bossible to run only the scientiffic application?

kind regards,
Germany biggest distributed computing community
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Message 4552 - Posted: 29 May 2006, 21:32:33 UTC
Last modified: 29 May 2006, 21:56:43 UTC

Link to YoYo's other thread on this particular problem:

I've asked some general questions, but if anyone has more specific ideas...

An older post which seemed similar was :
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Message 4607 - Posted: 31 May 2006, 17:10:28 UTC - in response to Message 4513.  

BOINC 5.4.9 uses only port 31416 as I said in my other post.

What kind of computer do you have? CPU, RAM amount, Operating System? How much is running in the background on startup?

Sorry, I misread your previous posts. Further investigation discovers that the port is ok.

This problem occurs on all my hosts. XP Pro, XP Home, Win98SE. Therefore, the platform is not the issue, I don't think. Also, it occurs on different networks, also on no network.
I'm trying to find out what I may have in common on all platforms. Does EZ Armor apps use Symantec scan engines?
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Message 5482 - Posted: 31 Aug 2006, 18:09:33 UTC

After much use, I discovered that the Symantec Virus Scan conflicts with BOINC on my Z60m Thinkpad. When calling an application from within, say, an email, there is some conflict that causes a very long delay to launch. I have to Snooze BOINC to allow the launch to complete quickly. The same situation occurs when Outlook 2003 downloads mail. Eventually, processes will complete. But after a very long time.
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Message 5483 - Posted: 31 Aug 2006, 18:53:48 UTC - in response to Message 5482.  

Most probably because the AV is active scanning any if not all executables. It's at that moment not BOINC slowing you down, but the active scan of the AV. And there's a 99% chance that you can't disable the active scan, as Symantec always knows better than you. ;)

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Message 5506 - Posted: 3 Sep 2006, 16:17:09 UTC - in response to Message 4445.  

reinstall it as a service. The service install needs an administrator account with password. And when installed, by default it doesn't do graphics (not sure about the screensaver).

With a standard "Boint as a Service" install, the default Boinc-screensaver works, i.e. the boinc logo and a small message displaying the currently running project and how far that project is into the workunit. No fancy graphics for a project.
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Message boards : BOINC client : BOINC interferes with other apps.

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