Thread 'Big ask - auto throttling of CPU tasks when using GPUs?'

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Richard Haselgrove
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Message 96532 - Posted: 8 Mar 2020, 22:00:10 UTC - in response to Message 96526.  

Not the first time the code has diverged from the documentation, over time.
Gotta wonder though which one it is now. I'm not going to ask.

'GetDecics' are a BOINC CPU app
''MB8_win_x86_SSE3_' are a BOINC NVidia GPU app
'hsgamma_' is a BOINC intel GPU app from Einstein, which is an interesting divergence from normal - Peter might be interested.
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Message 96535 - Posted: 8 Mar 2020, 22:12:16 UTC - in response to Message 96532.  
Last modified: 8 Mar 2020, 22:16:56 UTC

Nice image and that, but it doesn't answer our question, what sets the thread priority? BOINC or the application programmer?
Although considering your RT application there, I'd bend to the latter.
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Richard Haselgrove
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Message 96536 - Posted: 8 Mar 2020, 22:14:57 UTC - in response to Message 96534.  
Last modified: 8 Mar 2020, 22:33:11 UTC

Did it decide to set realtime by itself? I don't use Intel GPU apps, as I get the same power from a CPU app, and the Intel GPU takes a core away from the CPU.
No, I deliberately choose to run Process Lasso (from which the screengrab is taken) to lock that particular application to RealTime - note the 'R' in the rules column.

It's a particular special case which needs very little CPU support - but by god, does it need it quickly. This is a quad core - I'm running 2x integer CPU, 2x OpenCL needing 100% CPU, and the Intel_gpu using next to nothing. Keeps it all within the TDP power limit, so no throttling.

Edit - notice that there are no rules controling the CPU and GPU apps. If you want, I can run those two apps (tomorrow!) in a command window or bench test, outside the BOINC app_start environment. That should settle it.
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Message 96540 - Posted: 9 Mar 2020, 3:37:09 UTC

I guess that feature is largely determined by the project you're running tasks for.

The collatz conjecture for instance, does not use much CPU at all. I could run it even if all my CPU cores are fully utilized, without much of performance loss.

Primegrid on the other hand, uses quite some CPU!
Sometimes bottlenecking the GPU in cases of when you have a fast GPU and a slow CPU.
I would estimate, that an rtx2080Ti needs at least a 3,7Ghz, preferably 4Ghz CPU. For the collatz, the CPU could possibly feed the 2080Ti running at only 300-400Mhz, without much of a performance penalty at all.
ID: 96540 · Report as offensive
Richard Haselgrove
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Message 96562 - Posted: 9 Mar 2020, 17:41:28 UTC - in response to Message 96532.  

We saw this list last night:

'GetDecics' are a BOINC CPU app
''MB8_win_x86_SSE3_' are a BOINC NVidia GPU app
'hsgamma_' is a BOINC intel GPU app from Einstein.

Here are two more versions. This is a different machine, with only one NVidia GPU - but all four cores are still committed.And I'm showing you the einsteinbinary_BRP4 app, again for intel_gpu, because these tasks take less time, so it's easier to show you changes. The machine is Einstein host 8864187 - Intel i5 with HD 4600 GPU.

This one is running under BOINC, but with the Process Lasso rule removed:

And this one is with the Einstein app running from the command line, outside BOINC:

I think we can confirm that BOINC is capable of setting process priorities to 'below normal' (in this GPU case), and that this particular Einstein developer chose to let BOINC do its thing. That's just one example: it is not possible to generalise that every developer at every project will make the same choice.
ID: 96562 · Report as offensive
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Message boards : GPUs : Big ask - auto throttling of CPU tasks when using GPUs?

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