Thread 'FreeHAL'

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Message 43278 - Posted: 5 Apr 2012, 16:52:32 UTC

Any word on what happened to FreeHAL? Short outages not unusual, but this one seems somewhat extended.
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Pop Horea-Vasile

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Message 43319 - Posted: 8 Apr 2012, 15:31:12 UTC - in response to Message 43278.  

This is what I could find on the net:

In recent days, apparently carried out on my home computer via a Trojan horse hacker attacks. According to current information, the server FreeHAL the project were not affected, but these were also the end of March seized by the police and possibly be used as evidence.

The possibility of a compromise of the BOINC server can be excluded since no unauthorized access is to be the compiler or the secret key. The aim of the attacks apparently was blackmailing several people from my private life, a school and a university.

Unfortunately we have yet no precise information about the nature and scope of the investigation, therefore no conclusion can yet be made as to when a controlled operation is again possible. We try to explain this matter as quickly as possible.

For more information please send an e-mail to [email protected]. Responsible for the investigation, the police headquarters and the central Hesse Heidelberg Police Department or the respective prosecutors' offices.

We are delighted of course any donations, both financial as well as in the form of hardware, as it currently does not look like that we get the data and the hardware in the foreseeable future.

The project FreeHAL
c / o Tobias Schulz
Joseph Schofer-Str. 2-102
76187 Karlsruhe

E-mail: [email protected]
Tel: +49 (0) 6172/9815122
Fax. +49 (0) 6172/98151229

Can this be translated in simple words as I can understand in romanian language.
This is one of my prefered projects, with seti offcourse.
Can someone explain to me because for me is unclear.
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Dr Who Fan

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Message 43324 - Posted: 8 Apr 2012, 22:44:10 UTC - in response to Message 43319.  

Here is a direct translation of the current FreeHal web page via from German to Romanian.

Confiscarea de serverele noastre

În ultimele zile, aparent realizate pe computerul de acasă meu printr-o atacurile hacker-ilor troieni diferite. Potrivit informaţiilor actuale, serverul FreeHAL proiectului nu au fost afectate, dar acestea au fost, de asemenea, la sfârşitul lunii martie confiscate de poliţie şi, eventual, folosite ca probe. Posibilitatea de un compromis a serverului BOINC poate fi exclus, deoarece nu au acces neautorizat la compilator sau cheia secretă se poate face. Scopul atacurilor pare că a fost şantajat mai multe persoane din viaţa mea privată, o şcoală şi o instituţie pentru publicarea de informaţii private a persoanelor şi de ameninţarea de a sabota magazine online. Din păcate, nu avem informaţii exacte cu privire la natura şi amploarea ancheta prealabilă, prin urmare, nici o concluzie se poate încă face ca atunci când o operaţiune de controlat este din nou posibilă. Noi încercăm să explicăm această problemă cât mai repede posibil. Pentru mai multe informaţii vă rugăm să trimiteţi un e-mail la [email protected]~~V . Responsabil pentru anchetă, Poliţia Departamentul de Hesse Centrală şi de Direcţia de Poliţie din Heidelberg şi parchetelor respective. " Suntem, bineînţeles, orice donaţii, atât financiare, cât şi în hardware-ul, deoarece în prezent nu se arata, ca avem de date şi hardware-ul în viitorul apropiat pentru a obţine înapoi.

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Message 44708 - Posted: 3 Jul 2012, 16:35:31 UTC

Freehal is unreachable due to certificate varification. I hope this will be fixed soon as I have several WUs to upload.
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Message 45165 - Posted: 6 Aug 2012, 19:14:35 UTC
Last modified: 6 Aug 2012, 19:15:08 UTC

Does anyone know anything about the new and, sometimes, very long WU's the project is putting out now? The ones I'm running are non-cpu intensive, but they sure are RAM intensive -- I've seen them use as much as 1GB RAM. I'd like to find out more, but they don't have their own forum and I get lost trying to translate from German in the SETI.G and P3D forums.
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Message 45179 - Posted: 7 Aug 2012, 18:19:57 UTC - in response to Message 45165.  

Does anyone know anything about the new and, sometimes, very long WU's the project is putting out now? The ones I'm running are non-cpu intensive, but they sure are RAM intensive -- I've seen them use as much as 1GB RAM.

I don't know anything specific about this, other than the project is killing my hosts. Have had to go NNW as they are thrashing the swap file. I had to power down a couple of machines as they were utterly unresponsive.

Shame really, as each WU used to use around 30MB, now it seems to be 20 times that. Combined with a another project that uses a lot of RAM, it is a recipe for disaster. Actually it was a disaster :(


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Message boards : Projects : FreeHAL

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