Thread 'Mersenne@home NEWS'

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ProfileByron Leigh Hatch @ team Carl ...

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Message 41300 - Posted: 24 Nov 2011, 16:41:07 UTC

24 Nov 2011 | 14:11:59 UTC

Sebastian M. Bobrecki
Project scientist

Server problems solved :)
It seems that most of server problems were solved. In the last days there were no signs of any dysfunction. Still remains a issue related to the "ghost tasks" but this should not be especially inconvenient. 24 Nov 2011 | 14:11:59 UTC · Comment
ID: 41300 · Report as offensive
ProfileByron Leigh Hatch @ team Carl ...

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Message 41305 - Posted: 25 Nov 2011, 15:36:24 UTC

Mersenne@home NEWS
25 Nov 2011 | 12:38:21 UTC

Sebastian M. Bobrecki
Project scientist

I started to to deploy a highly optimized versions of applications. For supported platforms, they brings a significant increase in performance. Currently following classes are implemented:

  • For Intel CPUs:

    • ppro - for PentiumPro
    • p2 - for Pentium II and Celeron based on Pentium II, working in 32 bit environment,
    • p3 - for Pentium III, Pentium M, Core, Core2, Core i7 and others based on them, working in 32 bit environment,
    • p4 - for Pentium 4 and others based on it, working in both the 32-bit and 64 bit environment,
    • core2 - for Core2 and others based on it, working in 64 bit environment,
    • corei - for Core i7 and others based on it, working in 64 bit environment.

  • For AMD CPUs:

    • k7 - for Athlon, Duron, Athlon XP, Sempron, Athlon 64, Phenom, APU, based on the Bulldozer core and the others based on them, working in 32 bit environment
    • k8 - for Sempron, Athlon 64, Phenom, APU, based on the Bulldozer core and the others based on them, working in 64 bit environment.

If you see that there is available optimized application for your computer but for some reason you do not get it. Or worse, you get an applications that is not compatibility with your computer fill out a thread on the Bugs forum or send me a private message. I also encourage you to share the results of the performance of these applications on the Number crunching forum. 25 Nov 2011 | 12:38:21 UTC Comment
ID: 41305 · Report as offensive
ProfileByron Leigh Hatch @ team Carl ...

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Message 41390 - Posted: 29 Nov 2011, 16:25:44 UTC
Last modified: 29 Nov 2011, 16:28:24 UTC

updated and Edit on:
28 Nov 2011 | 22:18:33 UTC

Sebastian M. Bobrecki
Project scientist

I started to to deploy a highly optimized versions of applications. For supported platforms, they brings a significant increase in performance.

If you see that there is available optimized application for your computer but for some reason you do not get it. Or worse, you get an application that is not compatible with your computer fill out a thread on the Bugs forum or send me a private message.

I also encourage you to share the results of the performance of these applications on the Number crunching forum.

Sebastian M. Bobrecki
Project scientist
28 Nov 2011 | 22:18:33 UTC
ID: 41390 · Report as offensive
ProfileByron Leigh Hatch @ team Carl ...

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Message 41481 - Posted: 5 Dec 2011, 16:03:52 UTC

Mersenne@home NEWS
5 Dec 2011

Sebastian M. Bobrecki
Project scientist

New versions of all applications:
New versions include some minor changes and tweaks and should bring some improvement to performance.
5 Dec 2011 | 15:25:50 UTC · Comment
Sebastian M. Bobrecki
Project scientist

ID: 41481 · Report as offensive
ProfileByron Leigh Hatch @ team Carl ...

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Message 41909 - Posted: 3 Jan 2012, 16:35:20 UTC

Mersenne@home NEWS
Sebastian M. Bobrecki
Project scientist

The first birthday of the Mersenne@home.
Mersenne@home project will be celebrating its first birthday.
On this occasion, a short team race was organized.
I strongly encourage all teams to participate in it :)
You can now noticed shortage of tasks for the Tdt application.
This is a temporary state, due to preparations to the race.
New Tdt applications brought a significant increase in performance and,
therefore, the scoring for these tasks will be corrected

Sebastian M. Bobrecki
Project scientist
ID: 41909 · Report as offensive
ProfileByron Leigh Hatch @ team Carl ...

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Message 44279 - Posted: 24 May 2012, 2:02:34 UTC

Mersenne@home NEWS

Sebastian M. Bobrecki
Project scientist
Posted the following:

23 May 2012 | 11:35:44 UTC

Factors browser.
I am glad to announce the launch of factors browser functionality.
It is available through this URL and also through a link from the main page. Comment

Sebastian M. Bobrecki
Project scientist

20 May 2012 | 11:39:56 UTC

The next milestone in Tdt application has been achieved.
All potential candidates up to 2 * 10 ^ 8 were tested using the Tdt.
Thanks to all the volunteers who contributed to this. Comment

Sebastian M. Bobrecki
Project scientist
ID: 44279 · Report as offensive

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Message 44863 - Posted: 13 Jul 2012, 11:35:24 UTC

The project is down.
ID: 44863 · Report as offensive

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Message 44864 - Posted: 13 Jul 2012, 13:01:59 UTC


Project shutdown.
I regret inform that unfortunately I have no further possibility of engaging in and maintaining the project. Therefore, I decided to turn it off. I'm sorry that it did not give this information earlier, but I was hoping that maybe is possible to do something so that this did not happen. I would also like to thank all the volunteers and the BOINC community for your support.

I also encourage everyone to continue support other BOINC projects, and those particularly interested in the subject of Mersenne numbers, to the GIMPS project.

At this site you can find all the divider from the project database. It will remain available for some time.

Once again, I would like to thank all of you and good luck.
ID: 44864 · Report as offensive
ProfileByron Leigh Hatch @ team Carl ...

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Message 44866 - Posted: 13 Jul 2012, 15:46:24 UTC - in response to Message 44864.  
Last modified: 13 Jul 2012, 16:16:34 UTC

Hello Sebastian M. Bobrecki

Project scientist for Mersenne@home

in Poland,

I am so sorry to hear this.

You ran a very good Project.

You did your very best.

and that is all anyone can ever ask.

Keep up the good fight.

I wish you all the success in the World in your future endeavors.

ID: 44866 · Report as offensive

Message boards : Projects : Mersenne@home NEWS

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