Thread 'Access needed to grid computer software/proyects'

Message boards : Projects : Access needed to grid computer software/proyects
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Arturo Figueroa

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Joined: 4 Nov 11
Posts: 1
Message 40951 - Posted: 4 Nov 2011, 19:04:38 UTC

I am a student of Dr. Cristian Rusu in the "Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso" (Pontificial Catholic University of Valparaíso), Chile and he is my guide teacher for my thesis about "Usability and Comunicability in Grid Computing Software Products". We had worked with Dr. Dorian Gorgan from the "Technical University of Cluj-Napoca", Romania and we had developed some papers about Usability, evaluating some romanian Grid Computing software.

We are looking for more study cases and we will like to have access to your Grid Computing software. And even we can work together and and perform some publications.

So, we need access to Grid Computer's software.
In exchange, we can provide you usability reports about your software.

i've dowloaded the boinc client, but we need something a little more complex, something that allows sending jobs or somethings like this.

If you need more references of us, send me an e-mail and i will show you some of our work and more references.

Best regards from Chile
e-mail: arturo.figueroa (at) gmail(dot)com
ID: 40951 · Report as offensive
ProfileDavid Anderson
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Message 40953 - Posted: 4 Nov 2011, 19:43:48 UTC - in response to Message 40951.  

please contact me:

-- David Anderson
ID: 40953 · Report as offensive

Message boards : Projects : Access needed to grid computer software/proyects

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