Thread 'Test4Theory (AKA LHC@home 2.0) NEWS'

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ProfileByron Leigh Hatch @ team Carl ...

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Message 39390 - Posted: 1 Aug 2011, 12:47:32 UTC

LHC 2.0 has gone beta. No more need for an invitation code.


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Message 39396 - Posted: 1 Aug 2011, 21:29:48 UTC

Wow, it's not for the faint hearted, I see. 220MB tasks, 8GB drive space needed? Anything else I haven't seen yet? 4GB of RAM needed? ;-)
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Richard Haselgrove
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Message 39397 - Posted: 1 Aug 2011, 21:36:20 UTC - in response to Message 39396.  

Wow, it's not for the faint hearted, I see. 220MB tasks, 8GB drive space needed? Anything else I haven't seen yet? 4GB of RAM needed? ;-)

From the front page -

Before Attaching to us you must first have an up to date installed version of the VIRTUAL BOX software package.
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Message 39398 - Posted: 1 Aug 2011, 21:44:24 UTC - in response to Message 39397.  
Last modified: 1 Aug 2011, 21:46:53 UTC

Yeah yeah, got that. I also see it's 9GB they need for disk space and only 512MB of RAM. Must be that Java thing that is taking up 400MB at this time.

Also possibly nice to tell people not to close the VM box that opened, and to click a couple of times on OK, to allow the VM OS to actually start up. ;-)

What I meant with "Anything else I haven't seen yet?" was more of an expectation of run time, does it checkpoint, will it eat all my memory, will I need to jump through additional hoops, etc. :P

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ProfileByron Leigh Hatch @ team Carl ...

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Message 39418 - Posted: 2 Aug 2011, 23:06:47 UTC
Last modified: 2 Aug 2011, 23:55:20 UTC

this post is just so I can Edit the title of this thread to better reflect the topic.
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Message 39436 - Posted: 3 Aug 2011, 18:12:16 UTC

Beta huh?

How about we call it Beta for *Nix and OS X and Alpha for Windows? For really, a VirtualBox application that does a run-away and takes over the computer? Not good. Especially not since they thought they squashed that bug earlier on... apparently not. ;-)
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ProfileByron Leigh Hatch @ team Carl ...

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Message 39552 - Posted: 9 Aug 2011, 20:19:28 UTC

Project news

Version 6.03 released

Message 2781 - Posted 9 Aug 2011 9:06:17 UTC

Daniel Lombraña González - (Project scientist) - wrote:

Dear all,

We are very happy to announce a new version of the wrapper. This new version has two new improvements:

  • A Windows performance improvement, and
  • A Separate preference for setting how much CPU should use the VM.

The first item fixes a performance issue reported by several volunteers in the Windows platform, and the second one, adds a new preference to the project.

We have included a specific project preference to set up how much CPU time will be used by the VM. This will allow you to choose how much CPU the VM should use in your computer without affecting at all your other BOINC projects (this was the previous behavior).

In order to change this preference, go to your account, and change the Preferences for the project. The item is called: Maximum CPU % for Virtual Machine below Maximum CPU % for graphics.

After changing the value, you have to update the project, and restart BOINC.

As usual any comments, suggestions, bug reports, etc. will be welcome!!


The Team

Daniel Lombraña González
Project scientist
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ProfileByron Leigh Hatch @ team Carl ...

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Message 39606 - Posted: 12 Aug 2011, 4:09:38 UTC
Last modified: 12 Aug 2011, 4:09:57 UTC

<Edit> Edit the title of this thread </Edit>
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ProfileByron Leigh Hatch @ team Carl ...

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Message 39607 - Posted: 12 Aug 2011, 4:10:54 UTC

Project news for: Test4Theory - (AKA LHC@home 2.0)


Message 3253 - Posted 12 Aug 2011 3:16:13 UTC

Ben Segal - (Project scientist) - wrote:

We are working hard to understand and fix our job supply problem. We have made some code changes which will be automatically activated if you please REBOOT YOUR VM.

To do this, using the VirtualBoxVM Manager, select the tab "Machine" and do a Reset. This should be done with the BOINC T4T task running (not suspended) so the VM is running, not Saved or Powered Down.

Results may be slow to appear so please be patient once the reboot is done. "Resending 'want_getJob'.." messages may last for a while.

We will continue to give information as we have it. We are very sorry that the extremely fast ramp-up of users under Beta test has over-stressed our system for now.

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ProfileByron Leigh Hatch @ team Carl ...

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Message 39797 - Posted: 22 Aug 2011, 19:25:52 UTC

Project news for: Test4Theory - (AKA LHC@home 2.0)

Version 6.05 released

Dear all,

Some of you can be running right now the cernvm wrapper 6.04. This version has a bug in it, so we have downgrade it to the previous version (which works well), renaming it to 6.05. Thus, if you are running a task with that version, please, cancel the WU and get the new wrapper.

The bug does not store correctly the data in the Progress File, causing to finish the WU in less than a second in Windows platforms (in GNU/Linux and Mac OS X works well). We are trying to fix this error, in order to give you the new wrapper as soon as possible.


The team!

22 Aug 2011 10:52:48 UTC · Comment

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Message 39810 - Posted: 23 Aug 2011, 11:46:27 UTC

Is BOINC compatable with this 2.0? I've had the original lhcathome on my boinc with no w/u to do for a year. Trying to add T4T, it asks for username and password. When I tried to make an account on the website, it still asks me for an invitation code. Is there something I'm doing wrong? I have a love for science, and would enjoy helping on this front.
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Message 39811 - Posted: 23 Aug 2011, 13:56:13 UTC - in response to Message 39810.  

Yes, it's compatible with BOINC.
Account creation is temporarily by invite only during the push to 10,000 users, after that it'll be closed again during the rest of the Beta test.

So, how do you get an invitation code?
All I can say is that if you search through the links on the T4T front page, that the email addresses of some of the Admin are available in some place (secured with a reCaptcha).
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Message 39849 - Posted: 25 Aug 2011, 14:03:04 UTC


I can understand making it difficult to get an invite code after what happened earlier. But since the Create an account page was re-enabled with the requirement for an invite code there have been no new accounts created. I have looked over most of the links on the t4t home page and not found any hint of an admins email address any where.

Could you give us another hint, please :-)


jnargus (an eager physics nut)
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Message 39854 - Posted: 25 Aug 2011, 16:06:53 UTC

As is true for a lot of things in life. I found the hinted at link after posting my comment. I'm still waiting a reply from the project admins but I'm pretty sure I found them!



(P.S. your secret is safe with me)
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Message 39919 - Posted: 28 Aug 2011, 11:15:35 UTC

Before I get more PMs...I am not helping you out with finding the email address. It's there in plain sight if you look for it.

The developers at T4T have asked me not to do anything more. You won't be able to get an invitation code out-right anyway. T4T is just setting up a page now to let people apply for an invitation code by sending them their emails and when they want to open up more they can take them off the wait list. So it's not something I have anything to say over.

This page should be finished in about a day or two. Until that time, you can try to find the email address.
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Message 39950 - Posted: 30 Aug 2011, 7:57:20 UTC

Whenever this wait-list comes online, let us know :) I can't find the e-mail or any info to save my life at the moment, but I am really tired...
ID: 39950 · Report as offensive
ProfileByron Leigh Hatch @ team Carl ...

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Message 40031 - Posted: 6 Sep 2011, 9:25:22 UTC

Test4Theory Project news:

6 Sep 2011 7:56:32 UTC

Server intervention Tue 6 Sept at 13:00 CET
The Boinc server hosting Test4Theory will be unavailable for a short time around 13:00 CET today due to a system update.
You should be able to reconnect again shortly after.
Sorry for the interruption caused by this intervention.

Best regards,

Nils Høimyr
Project administrator
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Message boards : Projects : Test4Theory (AKA LHC@home 2.0) NEWS

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