Thread 'Computer UI really slow.'

Message boards : Questions and problems : Computer UI really slow.
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Message 114644 - Posted: 6 Oct 2024, 18:49:14 UTC

I have BOINC 7.24.01 running on Ubuntu Linux version 24.01 using Nvidia driver 470.256.02. I have 2 Nvidia P106-100 running on a Asus steel legend ax WIFI board with a Ryzen 9 3900x at 4.42GHz and 64MB of ram. I have always run this board and a previously a MSI x470 board at 100% CPU usage (except when the ambient temp causes CPU to get too hot). I run projects on Universe@home (no tasks in a long time), Dennis@home (spotty tasks), Rosetta@home (off and on tasks), Asteroids@home (off and on CPU tasks that really heat my CPU up; limited to 6 concurrent tasks and GPU tasks more frequent), Yoyo@home (frequent tasks) limited to 12 concurrent tasks, and Einstein@home (consistent CPU and GPU tasks). Recently my UI has become very slow: I use Chrome and it is almost unbearable how sluggish it is. To type this I have BOINC manager set to 90% of the cores and 80% of CPU time so that I would not explode but the UI is still more sluggish than it ever was before. Has something changed on BOINC manager that is causing this? Thanks
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Message 114645 - Posted: 6 Oct 2024, 22:29:45 UTC - in response to Message 114644.  
Last modified: 6 Oct 2024, 23:13:07 UTC

Nothing changed in BOINC but from experience I can tell you the yoyo@home tasks generally are heavy on CPU usage. Also note that Chrome will attempt to use ALL cores/all thread when open. That's an obvious reason for the slow down.

According to info on the www your CPU IS:
Base frequency: 3.8 GHz. That's equivalent to 12 REAL CORES & 12 "HELPER" CORES.

Some things to change to reduce the overall sluggish response:
* You are overclocking your CPU quite a bit over stock frequency ... Unless you have excellent water cooling & extremely great case ventilation
* I would reduce that back to STOCK FREQUENCY to prevent thermal throttling, a fried/dead CPU and invalid/bad results being reported to the projects.

* Change 80% of CPU time back to 100%. This setting really is useless and only further overloads the CPU. With the settings you have, it's like taking a 10 second slice of time and only allowing BOINC to run 8 of them seconds and letting something else or nothing run for the other 2 seconds.

*Another thing is that you probably are overloading your CPU with too many concurrent tasks when both GPU's are in use. Some GPU tasks require a full thread/core all the time to feed/make them run correctly.
* Reduce the Number of CPU's to 75% to feed the 2 GPU AND 1 FOR Windows/other background tasks.

These settings should help.
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ProfileKeith Myers
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Message 114646 - Posted: 7 Oct 2024, 2:55:25 UTC

I'd guess you are running out of RAM and swapping to disk quite a lot. The current Rosetta tasks are taking 1.5GB of RAM per task. Asteroids uses heavy AVX2 calculations which will put the cpu in thermal distress and probably causes thermal throttling of the clocks. yoyo also uses heavy AVX2 and also considerable RAM usage if you are running the ecm P2 tasks. Your cpu and system is overburdened likely. Reducing the workload suggestion is a good recommendation.

Check your RAM usage with the provided tools in Ubuntu with the System Monitor.
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Message 114649 - Posted: 7 Oct 2024, 10:37:56 UTC

I would go further. My experience with Ryzens both 9 & 7 is that with CPU heavy tasks I get maximum throughput with n-1 cores in use where n is the number of actual cores. I assume you meant 64GB of RAM and not MB!
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Message 114708 - Posted: 21 Oct 2024, 14:26:06 UTC - in response to Message 114649.  

Yes it is GB. Sorry
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Message 114710 - Posted: 21 Oct 2024, 15:14:36 UTC

Thanks for your suggestions. To solve my issue: I reinstalled Ubuntu 24.04 . My post said Ubuntu 24.01 and it should have been 24.10. Ubuntu 24.10 installed a 8.??.? version of the Manager. I looked at another computer I have that is running Ubuntu 24.04 and Manager version 7.24.1 and got the wrong Manager version on my post. Going back to those versions, Ubuntu 24.04 and Manager 7.24.1, on the computer that I had difficulty with corrected my problem. As far as cooling goes I am using an H150i and have tried an H115i on the Ryzen 9 3900x. Both did okay with the H150i a little better but when the ambient temperature rises I have to make adjustments. I originally installed the H150i radiator in the front of the case with the hoses down. A tech at Corsair said I could put the hoses up but I worry about air locks. I have repositioned the radiator with hoses up because when they are down the hoses are pulled tight and squeezed between the radiator and the case. The ambient is in the high 70's (F) today and my CPU is running 78-81°C. By the way the worst BOINC task I have run so far in regards to CPU use is Asteroids. I have it limited to 4 concurrent tasks and it always heats the CPU up. Thanks again.
ID: 114710 · Report as offensive

Message boards : Questions and problems : Computer UI really slow.

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