Thread 'Boinc.exe terminates at start on W10'

Message boards : Questions and problems : Boinc.exe terminates at start on W10
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Message 110442 - Posted: 14 Nov 2022, 16:05:30 UTC

Having problem running BOINC, since it terminates when it starts.
Starting boinc from admin terminal gives this output:
How do I solve this issue?

14-Nov-2022 17:02:55 [---] cc_config.xml not found - using defaults
14-Nov-2022 17:02:55 [---] Starting BOINC client version 7.20.2 for windows_x86_64
14-Nov-2022 17:02:55 [---] log flags: file_xfer, sched_ops, task
14-Nov-2022 17:02:55 [---] Libraries: libcurl/7.84.0-DEV Schannel zlib/1.2.12
14-Nov-2022 17:02:55 [---] Data directory: D:\BOINC\Data
14-Nov-2022 17:02:55 [---] Running under account Tomas & Helena
14-Nov-2022 17:02:55 [] Couldn't parse account file
14-Nov-2022 17:02:55 [---] Couldn't parse
14-Nov-2022 17:02:55 [---] OpenCL: AMD/ATI GPU 0: Radeon RX 590 Series (driver version 3444.0 (PAL,HSAIL), device version OpenCL 2.0 AMD-APP (3444.0), 8192MB, 8192MB available, 7281 GFLOPS peak)
14-Nov-2022 17:02:55 [---] Windows processor group 0: 16 processors
14-Nov-2022 17:02:55 [---] Host name: TOYBOX
14-Nov-2022 17:02:55 [---] Processor: 16 GenuineIntel Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-9900KS CPU @ 4.00GHz [Family 6 Model 158 Stepping 13]
14-Nov-2022 17:02:55 [---] Processor features: fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca cmov pat pse36 clflush dts acpi mmx fxsr sse sse2 ss htt tm pni ssse3 fma cx16 sse4_1 sse4_2 movebe popcnt aes f16c rdrandsyscall nx lm avx avx2 tm2 pbe fsgsbase bmi1 smep bmi2
14-Nov-2022 17:02:55 [---] OS: Microsoft Windows 10: Professional x64 Edition, (10.00.19045.00)
14-Nov-2022 17:02:55 [---] Memory: 31.93 GB physical, 36.68 GB virtual
14-Nov-2022 17:02:55 [---] Disk: 1.46 TB total, 1.23 TB free
14-Nov-2022 17:02:55 [---] Local time is UTC +1 hours
14-Nov-2022 17:02:55 [---] No WSL found.
14-Nov-2022 17:02:55 [---] VirtualBox version: 6.1.34
14-Nov-2022 17:02:55 [SETI@home] General prefs: from SETI@home (last modified 16-Nov-2019 23:46:19)
14-Nov-2022 17:02:55 [SETI@home] Computer location: home
14-Nov-2022 17:02:55 [SETI@home] General prefs: no separate prefs for home; using your defaults
14-Nov-2022 17:02:55 [---] Reading preferences override file
14-Nov-2022 17:02:55 [---] Preferences:
14-Nov-2022 17:02:55 [---]    max memory usage when active: 16347.17 MB
14-Nov-2022 17:02:55 [---]    max memory usage when idle: 29424.90 MB
14-Nov-2022 17:02:55 [---]    max disk usage: 100.00 GB
14-Nov-2022 17:02:55 [---]    max CPUs used: 12
14-Nov-2022 17:02:55 [---]    don't compute while active
14-Nov-2022 17:02:55 [---]    don't use GPU while active
14-Nov-2022 17:02:55 [---]    suspend work if non-BOINC CPU load exceeds 25%
14-Nov-2022 17:02:55 [---]    (to change preferences, visit a project web site or select Preferences in the Manager)
14-Nov-2022 17:02:55 [---] Setting up project and slot directories
14-Nov-2022 17:02:55 [---] Checking active tasks
14-Nov-2022 17:02:55 [Cosmology@Home] Task wu_102622_093911_2_0_0 is 4.20 days overdue; you may not get credit for it.  Consider aborting it.
14-Nov-2022 17:02:55 [Cosmology@Home] Task wu_102622_093625_0_0_0 is 4.20 days overdue; you may not get credit for it.  Consider aborting it.
14-Nov-2022 17:02:55 [Cosmology@Home] URL; Computer ID 426268; resource share 100
14-Nov-2022 17:02:55 [LHC@home] URL; Computer ID 10660788; resource share 100
14-Nov-2022 17:02:55 [Rosetta@home] URL; Computer ID 1128410; resource share 100
14-Nov-2022 17:02:55 [SETI@home] URL; Computer ID not assigned yet; resource share 100
14-Nov-2022 17:02:55 [World Community Grid] URL; Computer ID 1010222; resource share 100
14-Nov-2022 17:02:55 [---] Setting up GUI RPC socket
14-Nov-2022 17:03:25 [---] GUI RPC bind to port 31416 failed: -1
14-Nov-2022 17:03:26 gstate.init() failed
Error Code: -180
ID: 110442 · Report as offensive
ProfileJoseph Stateson
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Message 110444 - Posted: 14 Nov 2022, 22:11:35 UTC - in response to Message 110442.  

Having problem running BOINC, since it terminates when it starts.
Starting boinc from admin terminal gives this output:
How do I solve this issue?

14-Nov-2022 17:02:55 [] Couldn't parse account file
14-Nov-2022 17:02:55 [---] Couldn't parse

Possibly two problems

BOINC, or what remains of BOINC, may reside in memory from the last time it was run due to a crash.

BOINC may have established a connection to port 31416 and that connection was not properly closed.
You can run the command netstat from an administrator prompt to determine if a port is open or closed. For example

    C:\Windows\system32>netstat -aon | find "31416"

If the port is established, then it cannot be bound (listened) to by another process.
AFAIK only BOINC uses port 31416

If you are to run BOINC from the command line, make sure a copy is not already running and that port 31416 is NOT being listened to already.

The second problem is that the Einstein files are possibly corrupted. Either that or when BOINC crashed it had opened the Einstein files for reading and crashed before those files could be closed.
I recommend you reboot and then bring up the windows event viewer and look under "applications" for problems. If boinc is crashing on startup, then uninstall it and re-install.

I assume when you ran BOINC.EXE from the command line you used something like "boinc.exe --dir d:\boinc\data"

ID: 110444 · Report as offensive

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Message 110445 - Posted: 14 Nov 2022, 22:35:43 UTC - in response to Message 110444.  

I have not reinstalled it, but did a install repair, port 31416 is not active, checked with netstat, no boinc of any kind in taskview.
Just issues the command:

WHen I start the Boincmanager it sits for a while trying to connect, but eventually Ill get a message that "Boinc has terminated a number of times, do I want to retry"
Also running from an elevated commandprompt, so there should not be any problems with permissions.
THe Einstein thing, I am not so bothered with for the moment.
ID: 110445 · Report as offensive
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Message 110449 - Posted: 15 Nov 2022, 6:37:57 UTC - in response to Message 110445.  

When I start the Boincmanager it sits for a while trying to connect, but eventually Ill get a message that "Boinc has terminated a number of times, do I want to retry"
Many years since I ran Windows on my own computer. try running just the client, boinc.exe and see what happens. (I expect it to crash but if it doesn't, then the most likely problem is communication between the client and manager. If the client falls over, I would look for where Jord has posted instructions to completely remove all traces of BOINC and then do a clean install.
ID: 110449 · Report as offensive

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Message 110450 - Posted: 15 Nov 2022, 7:16:52 UTC - in response to Message 110449.  

When I start the Boincmanager it sits for a while trying to connect, but eventually Ill get a message that "Boinc has terminated a number of times, do I want to retry"
Many years since I ran Windows on my own computer. try running just the client, boinc.exe and see what happens. (I expect it to crash but if it doesn't, then the most likely problem is communication between the client and manager. If the client falls over, I would look for where Jord has posted instructions to completely remove all traces of BOINC and then do a clean install.

Did you read my first post
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Message 110451 - Posted: 15 Nov 2022, 8:00:45 UTC - in response to Message 110450.  
Last modified: 15 Nov 2022, 8:02:53 UTC

OK, let's try and see what you've done....
Was BOINC working before you did the repair installation?
How did you do the "repair" installation?
(What application and options did you use, OK, quite a number won't remember the details.)

Have you tried running the client (BOINC.exe) - the manager needs that to be working so it can run properly.

I see you are running windows 10, running from the admin command window may give problems as some of the rights are not the same as Joe User's.
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Message 110452 - Posted: 15 Nov 2022, 8:52:11 UTC

It seems to work sometimes, actually now it is working, like every 3rd boot or something like that.
The repair installaion, downloaded the latest client, opened upp the installer, selected repair.

The output from the client alone, was in the first post, no manager running at that time.

Running from an elevated command window should tell me if there is any issues with rights, I.E if I can run it from an elevated window but not from an standard Window.
ID: 110452 · Report as offensive
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Message 110453 - Posted: 15 Nov 2022, 9:00:58 UTC - in response to Message 110452.  

The repair installaion, downloaded the latest client, opened upp the installer, selected repair.

Repair mostly needs to be done from the same version you are trying to repair, after that you can then upgrade to a newer version.
ID: 110453 · Report as offensive
ProfileJoseph Stateson
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Message 110459 - Posted: 15 Nov 2022, 17:19:59 UTC - in response to Message 110452.  

It seems to work sometimes, actually now it is working, like every 3rd boot or something like that.
The repair installaion, downloaded the latest client, opened upp the installer, selected repair.

The output from the client alone, was in the first post, no manager running at that time.

Running from an elevated command window should tell me if there is any issues with rights, I.E if I can run it from an elevated window but not from an standard Window.

When looking in the task manager for an app, be sure to look under "users" not just processes. It is possible for BOINC to be missing from processes but be running just fine under "users"

When you installed BOINC I assume you installed for all users and did not do a service install

As RobSmith mentioned you should not run BOINC in elevated mode especially if the manager is running in standard mode.

You might want to verify that all 3 BOINC apps are NOT running in elevated mode.

Looking at your original post I spotted a few problem projects
- setiathome is not operational and should be suspended or removed
- cosmology at home no longer had a valid certificate. You might consider attaching to "universe" instead
- einstein I recommend you detach from einstein and then use the elevated command prompt to make sure that all einstein files have been deleted from both "data" and "data\project"

If you continue having problems I recommend you use a free tool such as revo uninstaller to uninstall boinc and revo's scan capability to find and delete all references. I would also use elevated mode to verify boinc is gone from the D drive.
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Message 110460 - Posted: 15 Nov 2022, 18:37:00 UTC - in response to Message 110459.  

None of the BOINC processes were running when I tried from the elevated command prompt, nor was the BOINC RPC-Port used.
In order to detach from a project, I must obviously have boinc running.
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Message 110461 - Posted: 15 Nov 2022, 18:48:08 UTC - in response to Message 110453.  
Last modified: 15 Nov 2022, 18:48:55 UTC

The repair installaion, downloaded the latest client, opened upp the installer, selected repair.

Repair mostly needs to be done from the same version you are trying to repair, after that you can then upgrade to a newer version.
Please do not ignore what Dave said.

So far I read you're still using a repaired version of BOINC, but used a newer installer to repair an older BOINC version. Do not do that. Just uninstall BOINC via Windows Apps->Remove BOINC and afterwards start the new installer, and install BOINC normally. Don't use the elevated status either, just your own user account.

Start there and if you then still have trouble, we can start diagnosing it.
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Message 110462 - Posted: 15 Nov 2022, 19:18:07 UTC - in response to Message 110461.  

Well, I did the repair, because BOINC was playing up in this way, not the other way around, And yes I will remove and do a clean install.
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Message 110465 - Posted: 15 Nov 2022, 21:24:11 UTC - in response to Message 110462.  

Well, I did the repair, because BOINC was playing up in this way, not the other way around, And yes I will remove and do a clean install.

Just thinking about this. It shouldn't be difficult to get the installer to flag up a warning that to use the repair option you need to be running the same version of BOINC as the installation being repaired. Richard?
ID: 110465 · Report as offensive
Richard Haselgrove
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Message 110466 - Posted: 15 Nov 2022, 22:16:42 UTC - in response to Message 110465.  

Just thinking about this. It shouldn't be difficult to get the installer to flag up a warning that to use the repair option you need to be running the same version of BOINC as the installation being repaired. Richard?
I always thought the 'repair' option was only offered if the 'installer' version matched the previous 'installed' version. I'll have to look more closely next time.

The Windows installer uses commercial (InstallShield) technology, licensed to UCB. I've worked with very early versions of InstallShield, 25 years ago, but by all accounts it's grown far more complicated since then. Rom Walton used to punt all installer bugs into the long grass, pending the arrival of an open source installer which was going to swim over the horizon and save us all. It never arrived.
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Message 110467 - Posted: 15 Nov 2022, 23:15:40 UTC - in response to Message 110466.  

Instalshield should look for versions, if not the packager has forgotten to set it.
Hence it should not be possible if there is an version mis-match
ID: 110467 · Report as offensive

Message boards : Questions and problems : Boinc.exe terminates at start on W10

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