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Message 102465 - Posted: 7 Jan 2021, 14:33:00 UTC - in response to Message 102464.  

Would they notice between all the other super-spread events?

If there are so many this one isn't noticeable, I would guess that that they are heading for things being as bad as in UK with the virus mutation we have even without the more easily spread variant of the virus. I shudder to think what it would be like with the variant we have.
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ProfileGary Charpentier

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Message 102468 - Posted: 7 Jan 2021, 15:03:15 UTC - in response to Message 102464.  

Would they notice between all the other super-spread events?

If they do it may be a way to track the traitors.
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Message 102479 - Posted: 8 Jan 2021, 2:50:25 UTC - in response to Message 102465.  

Would they notice between all the other super-spread events?

If there are so many this one isn't noticeable, I would guess that that they are heading for things being as bad as in UK with the virus mutation we have even without the more easily spread variant of the virus. I shudder to think what it would be like with the variant we have.

Does the US know what variants are in the country. The info I got from the NYT says that the US has sequenced 58,560 genomes so far, out of a population of 330Million+.
The UK spotted the more spreadable variant because it has sequenced 209,038 genomes so far, out of a population of 66Million+
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Message 102480 - Posted: 8 Jan 2021, 8:09:05 UTC - in response to Message 102479.  

The population to look at for the genome studies is the number of people who have tested positive for Covid-9. So the population sizes are 21.5 million for the US and 2.8 million for the UK. Which means the UK has genome sequences for 7.5% of positive tests while the US has sequenced just 0.2% of its Covid cases.
In the UK's sample they have found a number of minor variants and at least one major variant. Rough figures suggest that the number of major variant for many virus is a fairly linear relationship to the number of genomes sequenced; thus one might reasonably expect there to be another dozen major variants around in the UK. However I think this relates to "mature" virus like the common cold, not "immature" ones like the one that it the cause of the current pandemic, so perhaps my suggested number of major variants is an over estimate (I hope)
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Message 102531 - Posted: 12 Jan 2021, 15:43:43 UTC

Updated the UEFI on my Asrock X470 Taichi and now - in the future - I can add a series 5000 CPU if I want to.
So after that had to set up my BIOS again, CPU and RAM target speeds met, fan speeds at low. And then I thought, let's disable the Wifi and Bluetooth on the motherboard.

Well no, wrong decision. As when I then boot into Windows, my main AOC monitor won't go higher than 1680x1050, instead of its normal 3840x2160
I can't follow it. Turn WAS and BT back on, monitor comes up as 3840x2160; turn them off, monitor is 1680x1050; turn either of them on and other off, monitor is 1680x1050
Go explain that to me.
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ProfileKeith Myers
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Message 102535 - Posted: 12 Jan 2021, 21:49:29 UTC - in response to Message 102531.  

That IS a weird one. You should report that to the BIOS development team. I would probably guess, the toggling of the network services changes the memory addresses and intrudes on the graphics memory address space. And prevents the higher resolution. Or maybe the card ports get downgraded in their comms protocols to the monitor.
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Message 102536 - Posted: 13 Jan 2021, 8:51:48 UTC

Reminds me of when I had to re-install Windows 10 on other half's Asus Transformer laptop. Having done so, I couldn't get touch screen to work. MS and Asus help forums were no use, though I discovered lots of people had the same problem. Eventually on another site, I found a hint that led to me finding the solution. If boot from USB was enabled, Touch screen didn't work or at least not from Windows. Despite this it did work running Linux from a USB stick. Even though, since then BIOS has been updated and the original hard disk replaced with an SSD the issue persists and is reproducible. I did post the solution on both the forum threads where I found others had the problem but no solutions. I had hoped to find an explanation from someone once I had posted the answer but certainly last time I looked, nothing.
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Message 102538 - Posted: 13 Jan 2021, 15:24:45 UTC

Just went through their customer support form. Phone number isn't mandatory (no bullet after it), but upon submission of form it is. Serial number is mandatory, but then it isn't. Weird site.
But at least this worked. Was first trying to register to their forums, but after filling in information 10 times it still claimed my wanted password was wrong and the recaptcha I filled in wasn't right. Well, go S yourself then. Let's see if their customer support has any answers.
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Message 102585 - Posted: 15 Jan 2021, 17:49:13 UTC - in response to Message 102531.  

Flashed back to the 4.20 BIOS after Asrock told me the BIOS update is only necessary when you intend to run a Series 5000 CPU and not before, so just flash it before switching CPUs.
Flashing back to 4.20 fixed the resolution problem. So something between that BIOS and the Series 3000 CPU. That BIOS also never showed the extra startup options, such as F11 for boot options and F6 for flash options. Only F2/Del for BIOS options.
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Message 102612 - Posted: 18 Jan 2021, 12:22:47 UTC - in response to Message 102585.  

Asrock tells me further that because they have limited space in the BIOS, but need to be able to store all the old and all the new CPUs, they've divided the BIOS into two parts of 128Mb (16MB) for a total of 256Mb (32MB), essentially putting two BIOS versions on one chip. During boot up a scan of the BIOS shows the board which of the two BIOSes it needs. And due to that space restraint they've dropped certain start up options (F6 instant flash, F11 boot options).

It doesn't explain the resolution switch. As I told the person I am in contact with, it's almost as if the secondary PCIe slot I put the card in goes from x16 to x1 with a maximum throughput of 4K, hence why one monitor still does 2560x1440 and the other is hampered by the 1680x1050. No answer on that.
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Message 102746 - Posted: 29 Jan 2021, 22:24:59 UTC

I received this Amber Alert (missing children) today and was like what the ???
No, Chucky the killer doll isn’t on the loose, Texas officials say after Amber Alert
The alert was a test template shared by accident, outlets report.

Here's the text of the alert:
Be on the lookout for a 3-foot, 1-inch male, red hair, weighing approximately 16 pounds, armed with a kitchen knife.
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Message 102831 - Posted: 6 Feb 2021, 19:06:11 UTC - in response to Message 102826.  

But what on earth is the "Texas Department of Public Safety

Texas Department of Public Safety is the State Police Department (top law enforcement agency in the state) that coordinates the safety of the people of Texas.

ABOUT TEXAS AMBER, Silver, Blue, Endangered Missing Persons, Camo & CLEAR Alert Programs

** In the USA An Amber Alert (also AMBER Alert) or a child abduction emergency alert (SAME code: CAE) is a message distributed by a child abduction alert system to ask the public for help in finding abducted children. It originated in the United States in 1996.
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Les Bayliss
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Message 102847 - Posted: 7 Feb 2021, 18:40:52 UTC

We've just had an amber alert in the north eastern part of Australia, regarding a baby kidnapped from his home.
The police found them in a few hours.
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Message 102864 - Posted: 7 Feb 2021, 21:06:52 UTC - in response to Message 102841.  

No, I don't work in anything like that.

It's Free and Yes all 50 States have the Amber Alert and Weather Emergency Alert (such as tornado, deadly/dangerous thunderstorms, fire, flood warnings).

It's a special kind of notification on your cell phone something like a one way text message. If I recall, your cell phone is not "subscribed" to the Amber notifications by default and you have to turn it on. The weather alerts are not opt out and have saved lives here in Texas and the USA. Not everyone has their radio or TV on to hear about dangerous storms that are heading their way.

In my part of Texas the Amber Alerts are not that frequent, maybe one a week at most. Yes they do help the police find kidnapped kids many times.
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Message 102891 - Posted: 8 Feb 2021, 19:56:17 UTC - in response to Message 102890.  

[So is this thing mandatory? ...

1) Learn how to read.
2) Quit asking dumb questions
3) Go back to the post where I linked to information about Amber Alerts, click link, read about how it works and how it started.
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Barn Owl
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Message 102893 - Posted: 9 Feb 2021, 4:48:37 UTC

It's fairly obvious that Peter Hucker is just trolling, so lets bring this matter to an abrupt stop.
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